Tuesday, July 28, 2020

1/48 Beaufighter WIP

Propellers ....

Hubs are Alclads covered with Tamiya Smoke, Tips masked and sprayed with Tamiya Yellow,  Cones are off white, Edges of blades sprayed with thinned Tamiya Desert Yellow, which was then scuffed of horizontally with some scotch brite. Finally thinned black enamel splattered on with a paint brush.


Sprayed with Alclad Dark Auminium, thin wash of thinned Tamiya Smoke, Tires painted withVallejo Dark Grey, dusted with pigments and rubbed off. Legs highlighted with silver oil paint.


AK Real Color mid stone, some panels lightened with lighter shade...

...followed by AK dark earth, blutack masked....

Thursday, July 16, 2020

1/48 Tamiya Mosquito

Tamiya kit. Mosquitos are great and all, but the lack of panel lines and rivets make the surface detail a little hard to look interesting. So I drew lines on it to somewhat replicate the wooden panels it's built from, artistic license for sure!..Cheers for looking

resin prints